Saturday, March 8, 2008

Franchisees I Don't Like to Visit

Franchisees I don't like to visit are rare, but there are a few with traits I don't like to be around,

Franchisees who are "know it alls" and argue with everything I say. I don't mind if they will listen, then we can discuss different points of view, then we can agree to disagree, but outright arguing that they know better about everything, even if they don't have any experience yet in business.

Franchisees who think we are all call 24/7. I do work a lot of extra hours and will often answer the phone on vacation or nights. Having a franchisee outraged that I didn't get their call on Saturday or Sunday doesn't help my wanting to go out of my way for them in the future.

Franchisees who think they should receive "special attention" because they have my money or think "they have more potential" than someone else. You do not move to head of every list just because you think you should. Every franchise agreement says support will be given as the support person deems necessary.

Franchisees who think you should always buy their meal because you have an expense account and because they pay royalties. Royalty money is paid to use the brand, not to buy all future lunches and dinners when you are visited.

In general, franchisees are a joy to work with and I enjoy visiting them and being part of their business and helping them be successful.


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